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The 5-DAY

Summer of Self-Love Challenge

Join now to learn 5 simple yet powerful ways to boost your confidence and self-worth so you can attract more abundance and create a life you love! Sign up and start today!


Are you ready to engage in intentional self-love so you can embrace all the things that make you amazing, remember that you matter, and finally believe that you deserve to take up more space in this world?

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You were divinely and intentionally created.


You're full of so much life and potential.



Here's the truth:


Until you love yourself with as much intention as you were created, it's going to be really hard to fully stand in your power.


But you can take steps right now to change that.


The key?
Practicing intentional self-love. 

You need to make self-love part of your daily life and remember that you're meant for more than just getting through the day.


This happens when you're intentional about loving yourself and reminding yourself regularly that you're worth all the amazing things you dream about.

When you practice self-love:

  • You forgive yourself for your mistakes (no more beating yourself up for things in the past)

  • You trust yourself because you finally believe you deserve happiness and work toward your own greater good.

  • You have more confidence to dream big and pursue your goals.

  • You stop feeling guilty for taking care of yourself because you realize that you matter and taking care of yourself is the top priority.

  • Your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health improve because when you love yourself, you heal yourself.

That's the purpose of the 5-day Summer of Self-Love CHALLENGE. 

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What People Are Saying About The Challenge...

"The Summer of Self-Love Challenge was great! I took my time and even repeated a few days! It helped me to get back to myself, falling in love with myself, and even discovering a new level of love I didn't know existed. It's been a year of change, in a good way, and shedding people, things, emotions, and traumas that no longer serve me and were blocking my energetic flow. Things have been sunnier since I finished the Summer of Self-Love Challenge. I even told my therapist about it today :) Thank you!"

- Rob

"I found the self-love exercises really useful, as someone who deals with a lot of negative ideation, I'm finding it really helps to say a mantra that directly counters the negative thought immediately after saying/thinking it, such as "I am useless" > "No, I am very helpful to a lot of people and also have an intrinsic worth independent of my calue to others". I use that one a lot! Of course, the breathwork was great as always, and I'm trying to find more ways to incorporate intention breathing into my day-to-day life."

- Tori

"The Summer of Self-Love Challenge surprisingly brought up a lot for me. Emotional and physical stuff. I'm still sitting with all of it, but I feel so much better after the self-love breathwork meditation."

- Erica

The way you talk to yourself and the stories you tell yourself impact your beliefs. Your beliefs guide your behavior. By shifting your self-talk, you eventually shift your behaviors — and change your life. One Day 1, you'll look at how your self-talk is sabotaging your growth and learn a simple way to shift it into something more positive and powerful.

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DAY 1 Change the Way You Talk to Yourself

DAY 2 Open Your Heart

It's easy to see the beauty in others. It's not so easy to see the beauty in ourselves. The problem is that when we don't see the beauty in ourselves, we often aren't open to the opportunities we think are reserved for others. On Day 2, we'll work on opening your heart to yourself so you're open to all the beautiful things the Universe wants to give you.

DAY 3 Heal Yourself By Healing Your Inner Child

Our past has a lot to do with who we've become. However, who we are is fluid. One way to step into your full power and become the highest version of yourself now and in the future is to heal your past self. On Day 3, you'll do an exercise that will help you connect with your past self so you can live a better present and build your dream future.

DAY 4 Breathwork for Self-Love

Breathwork is the cornerstone of not just my business, but my life. It's a powerful tool to help you regain peace and calm — but also to heal yourself. One Day 4, you'll be guided through a powerful self-love meditation to help you feel grounded and have more compassion for yourself.

DAY 5 Celebrate You!

Too often, we forget to take time to acknowledge and celebrate ourselves. We move from one task to the next without a break — and forget how much we've achieved. This can lead to feeling like we're not enough. On Day 5, you'll take time to truly understand the power you have inside you — and how to channel it when you need it.

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About Me

Hi, I'm Ana! I'm a breathwork coach and intuitive healer. I've helped thousands of women remember how powerful and amazing they are by teaching them how to reprogram beliefs, be kinder to themselves, feel more confident, feel safe, and believe they deserve to take up more space. I've witnessed my clients transform from people who put themselves dead last and let people walk all over them into people who make themselves the priority, advocate for themselves, and communicate boundaries — all while attracting more abundance into their lives. And it started with them learning to love themselves.

Kind Words From Clients

"Working with Ana was the best decision I have made in my healing journey! She so wonderfully allowed me to see new freedoms are attainable through joy and self-love. If everyone could experience working with Ana, the world would be a kinder place with more heart-centered connections."

- Taylor

"Taking care of myself helps me show up better for my life and for my family. I learne dhow to surrender just a little bit more and to let go of perfectionism. Ana is warm and she truly sees you with lvoe and compassion. I highly recommend her work to anyone wanting to feel more at peace and calm than ever before."

- Jessica

"Ana helped me build  my confdience and self-love. Her healing gifts reach right thorugh the screen. I feel more confident and ready to keep knocking down obstacles as they come. I am able to see how strong I truly am and look forward to continuing this work with Ana."

- Sam

Still reading?


There's a reason for that. You know, deep down inside, that you need this.


Otherwise, you would have left this page already. You deserve all the love — and it starts with you.


Stop putting yourself on the back burner.


Sign up and start the Summer of Self-Love Challenge today. It's 100% free, but what you'll gain at the end of the 5 days is priceless.


You're worth it.


xo Ana Lilia

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© Breathe. Release. Relax. with Ana Lilia

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