🎙️ New episode of Breathe More🎙️
In episode 18 of the Breathe More Podcast, I talked with Aissa Thalia, a former dancer turned happiness mindset coach. She shared the importance of self-celebration and how to shift your mindset to disrupt negative patterns. Your mindset and energy are crucial in achieving goals and finding happiness. She empowers us with strategies to disrupt negative patterns and foster a mindset that acts as a catalyst in achieving our goals and discovering genuine happiness.
Every year, Aissa hosts the ‘End-of-the-Year Self-Celebration’ workshop in The Collective. 🌠 This workshop serves as an opportunity for our members to reflect on their accomplishments, set intentions for the future, and release any lingering obstacles. This is our 3rd year in a row hosting this powerful workshop! Join The Collective to watch the workshop replay.
🎧 Listen to this latest episode on your favorite podcast platform or on my YouTube channel. Let’s embark on a journey of celebrating ourselves, shifting our mindset, and unlocking the happiness and success we deserve! 💫