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Self-Love Anybody?

Writer: Ana LiliaAna Lilia

Happy day of LOVE.

“Love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow, a connection that can only be cultivated between two people when it exists within each one of them – we can only love others as much as we love ourselves.” Brené Brown

I have a confession to make. I really struggled writing this newsletter. I have 5 different versions and I hate all of them. I decided the topic was going to be about self-love. So I read articles about self-love; I watched Ted Talks about being kind to yourself. I was planning on giving tips on how to love yourself, but then I wondered if that would make me sound like a know it all. I was going to talk about how Valentine’s day has too much emphasize on romantic love and never about loving yourself, but will this make me sound jaded? My self-criticism and self-doubting voices were getting loud. And my perfectionism was taking over. These voices are exhausting. And they are so mean and judgmental. Is anyone else familiar with these voices?

And then I thought, where’s my self-compassion? Where’s my self-love? Looks like I need to work on my self-love. My total acceptance of myself. But even seeing it as “working on my self-love” has a hint of judgement. Am I just overthinking everything?!?!? Probably. I’m a recovering perfectionist. I am a recovering control freak. I’m a recovering a lot of things. What I have learned is that at the core of these feelings is fear. It always creeps up, doesn’t it?

And many of us are afraid of loving ourselves wholly, because we don't think we are enough. Many of us are uncomfortable being alone. Many of us find it difficult to compliment ourselves, to be compassionate with ourselves. To be gentle with ourselves. That’s why this month’s breathwork workshop is about self-love. It’s an opportunity for you to explore what self-love means to you and to help you open up to what you want to receive in your life. You can find more details about the workshop here.

Over the last month and a half I’ve been working on a brand new website. It was a lot of work and one that made all those not so nice voices come out and share their opinions. The biggest lesson I learned with this project was to surrender to the process. Yes, it’s important to have a vision on how you want things to look like, but It’s also important to let things unfold naturally and to be open to new ideas. And when things get overwhelming, ask for help! I ended up hiring a website developer to help with the technical stuff. It saved me a lot of time and frustration. I’m super proud of the final result. Now you can find a list of my upcoming classes on my website, you can book your private sessions online, and you can find past newsletters on the blog. Let me know what you think! Since it is Valentine's day, let’s try to be loving and gentle with ourselves today. And I want you to know that you are loved and appreciated! Wishing you a loving rest of the month.

Love, Ana


"Breathwork with Ana is transformative. I've practiced various types of meditations and healings, but sessions with Ana have been the most powerful. She's extremely intuitive, from her curated playlists to the messages she shares. I always leave her sessions with much more clarity and peace." -M.T.

Book your session here!


I LOVE music! If you've attended my classes or have had a private session with me, you know how important music is to me. I spend a lot of my free time looking for new music and curating playlists. So for this month's playlist I decided to keep things light and make a fun playlist for all of you. Get the playlist here: Apple Music Spotify If you're looking for my breathwork playlists be sure to follow me on Spotify or Apple Music.


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