EP 72: A Manifestation Gone “Wrong,” When a Stray Cat “Adopted Me”

Hello, beautiful souls! Welcome back to Breathe More. Today, I want to share a personal story that has profoundly impacted my understanding of manifestation. You might find it resonates with you, especially if you’ve ever experienced something unexpected that you initially felt wasn’t what you wanted. So, grab a cozy drink and settle in!
A little backstory: Four years ago, I was a proud dog mom to my sweet little TJ. My journey with him started as his pet sitter, but after a lot of back and forth, I had the opportunity to adopt him. This was a decision filled with love and hope, but it ultimately came with heartache. Just six months later, I lost him to a tragic surgical complication. The grief from losing TJ was overwhelming; I still find myself driving past the veterinary hospital, flooded with memories and emotions.
Despite that loss, I’ve always felt a deep connection to animals. This past year, since moving to Idyllwild, I’ve had the opportunity to care for a sweet little dog, reminding me of TJ. This experience allowed me to reconnect with that special bond, and remember how much joy an animal brings into our lives.
An Unexpected Encounter
Fast forward to a sunny morning in October. While sipping my warm bone broth outside, a stray cat jumped onto my lap. He was thin and clearly in need of some love and food. I panicked, rushing to find something to feed him, ultimately offering a can of gourmet sardines (don’t judge!). This cat seemed to be abandoned and no one was claiming him.
Despite my initial hesitations about adopting a pet (too much commitment, travel a lot for work, and expenses), I found myself drawn to this cat. The more I cared for him, the more I realized he had been showing up in my life for a reason. I started exploring what it would mean to adopt him, all while battling my logical side that warned me against it.
The Decision to Adopt
As I navigated this decision, the universe intervened. A local nonprofit offered affordable services to neuter and vaccinate him, making the process manageable. That was it—I adopted him and named him Max. In the whirlwind of emotions, I felt an unexpected joy and a little fear creeping in.
Just a day after adopting him, Max darted out of the house and into the wild, leaving me in a panic. Max came back squinting his eye and crying. And later that evening, he started vomiting. Memories of my experiences with TJ flooded back. I was terrified of losing him too. After some frantic phone calls and help from kind-hearted friends, I found myself at a 24-hour animal hospital. Thankfully, after some treatments and a hospital bill I wasn’t planning on, Max was fine and back home, ready to explore his new life as an indoor cat.
Healing and Growth Through Max
This journey has been a powerful reminder of the healing that can come from our unexpected manifestations. While I initially resisted the idea of adopting a cat—given my previous trauma and fears of commitment—Max has already brought me immense joy and helped regulate my nervous system. His purring acts like a soothing balm for my soul, allowing me to process unresolved emotions and traumas.
I’ve realized that Max didn’t just adopt me; he brought me gifts I didn’t know I needed. He encourages me to play, to take breaks from my work, and to reconnect with my nurturing instincts. While I thought adopting a pet might take away my freedom, it has instead enriched my life with love, laughter, and new experiences.
Invitation to Embrace Your Manifestations
So, my beautiful souls, what unexpected manifestations have recently entered your life? Have you found yourself resisting something that may actually be a gift in disguise? I invite you to lean in and explore the potential blessings that come from these experiences, rather than immediately pushing them away.
Every opportunity is a chance for growth, and it’s essential to remember that not everything will manifest in the way we expect. Instead of clinging to rigid definitions of what we desire, let’s remain open to the myriad ways life can surprise us.
Let’s keep manifesting those beautiful experiences that make our lives richer and more fulfilling.
If you want to see adorable photos of Max, hop over to my Instagram or send me an email, and I’ll happily share! Until next time, let’s continue to breathe, manifest, and embrace the unexpected.
Keep shining, beautiful souls! ✨
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